How do recruiters thrive in a candidate-short market?
To start placing more candidates today, just get in touch. We’re happy to help.
A recent REC survey reveals:
50% - the number of UK employers expecting a shortage of candidates.
72% - the number of UK employers concerned about sufficient availability of agency workers.
It’s clear we’re still in a candidate-short market and the trend hasn’t abated over the last few years.
So what’s a good recruiter supposed to do then? You’ve got targets to hit, jobs to fill, clients to please, and you can’t make candidates fall out of the sky, can you? Well, actually you can - with a little help from granite.
We assist over 300 new arrivals each year, landing in the UK, mostly from Australia and New Zealand (it does help having a Kiwi office!) These incoming candidates cover all sectors and various levels of experience. They all have fresh visas, bank accounts and NI numbers, and all the rest done for them. The one missing piece? A job. If that sounds like a match made in heaven, then you agree with us, and the candidates, and the clients.
To start placing more candidates today, just get in touch. We’re happy to help.
“With these candidates being new arrivals to the UK, they aren’t registered on any of the UK job boards. One of the most consistent pieces of feedback we get from our agency clients is that they feel like they’re fishing in the same pool as everyone else, so results aren’t as good as they’d like, when aiming to win the war for talent. By introducing this new flow to our agency clients, we’re helping them address this problem, and get ahead of their competition.”
— Jovan Pavlicevic, granite MD